Zamil Maturaf Maanfou
Master student on DIDEM
Zamil Maturaf Maanfou, born in 1975 in Bimbini, Ndzuwani, Comoros, is a conservationist. He has a DEA in Biodiversity & Environment from the University of Toliara, Madagascar. Member of WIOMSA (2022) and the IUCN Protected Areas Commission (2017), he is the coordinator of local associations UMAMA and OPAS (women's group) invested in environmental protection and promotion of the SDGs.
Involved in the field since 2010, he has accompanied local communities and several missions in the sustainable management of marine resources and conservation of the coastline of the Bimbini peninsula, an area with high ecological and tourist potentialities officially classified as Shisiwani National Park in 2017. He has thus worked at the "Comoros National Parks" as a community mobilizer and then as a conservator in Ndzuwani.
Today, in capacity building at the Master 2 Man An Biosphere (MAB) at the University of Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France, within the framework of the DIDEM project, he is preparing his internship on the "Implementation of a community-based sustainable development model through the example of coastal erosion and macro-waste management in Shisiwani National Park (Ndzuwani, Comoros)".
About the Man And Biosphere Master
The MAB course of the master " Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution " of the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse aims to to bring concepts and tools to managers and animators of territories and protected areas working in the spirit of the MAB program, "Man and the Biosphere" of UNESCO. This training emphasizes knowledge of the interactions between human activities and ecological systems for a sustainable management of natural management of natural resources.
The MAB course is based on the students' practical experience in a French Biosphere Reserve. A project related to the management of the territory, prepared with the site manager, serves as a case study for the students to experiment with the principles and methods of project engineering taught. After a phase of knowledge and data collection during a field trip, the students prepare a report according to a set of specifications before giving an oral presentation to the manager.
Zamil Maanfou (2009). Usages socioculturels des plantes dans l’arboretum d’Antsokay à Andatabo, Toliara (Madagasacar), 121 p.
Nourddine Mirhani et Zamil Maanfou (2009). Le changement climatique dans le secteur Fiherenana (Sud-Ouest Malgache) : Assèchement du fleuve, Causes, Impacts et Strategies d’adaptation, 14 p.
Nourddine Mirhani, Zamil Maanfou, Zakaria Gou et Anli Mohamed (2011). Le constat : des holothuries menacées de surexploitation et de trafics à dimension internationale en union des Comores, 6 p.
Zamil Maanfou (2010). Rapport d’activités sur le projet de renforcement de la biodiversité de la mangrove de Bimbini, Etat d’Avancement 02 (Du 1er juillet au 31 octobre 2010), 12 p.
Zamil Maanfou (2011). Rapport sur la journée De Reboisement Officiel De La Mangrove De Bimbini A Anjouan, 12 p.
Zamil Maanfou (2012). Rapport sur la vulnérabilité et adaptation aux changements climatiques, Zone côtière d’Anjouan, 37 p.
Zamil Maanfou (2014). Rapport d’activités sur le projet mangrove conservation and sanitation : Gestion de la zone côtière et marine de Bimbini, 7 p.
Zamil Maanfou (2015). Rapport d’activités sur le projet Smart Fish à Bimbini, 9 p.
Zamil Maanfou (2015). Rapport sur la Reserve Marine de Bimbini identifiée comme APAC, 4 p.
Zamil Maanfou (2018). Rapport sur la 2eme édition du festival de mangroves à Bimbini, 25 p.
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