The Western Indian Ocean deltas
with the WIODER team
Fishing for mollusks, Incomati delta, Mozambique @IRD Stéphanie Duvail
Spatial and scenario analysis for deltas, in a context of divergent stakeholder views and land-use conflicts (Kenya, Tanzanie, Mozambique, Madagascar) and according to the submersion risks (Madagascar)
- Modelling of delta geosystems from data acquired in WIODER (hydrology, fishery resources, mangroves, household resilience).
- Evaluation of areas of agreement or tensions between current uses of the territories (local production systems, public policies, private sector).
- Comparing visions of the future of the territories (local aspirations, public policy projects, private sector projects) and building territorial prospective scenarios, sharing with the different actors and searching for consensual scenarios.
- Conduct simulation exercises for decision-makers of the Boény Region and the city of Majunga (Madagascar) using the serious game LittoSIM and collective design of management and land-use scenarios that integrate issues related to the risks of marine submersion
Kenya, the Tana delta
Madagascar, the Bestiboka delta
Mozambique, the Incomati delta
Tanzania, the Rufiji delta
Tools and approaches
Analysis of the geosystem dynamics and deltas comparison
Participatory environmental observatories,
Land-use mapping
Forward-looking strategies
PhD defence of Peter Ng’ang’a Gitau
for the grade of Doctor in Geography of the National Museum of Natural History (ED 227, Paris, France), on the 18th of January 2023.
The defence took place at the French Institute of Research in Africa (IFRA-Nairobi), Laikipia Road, Kileleswha, Nairobi, on January 18th 2023
Focus on Mozambique
How does river flow influence the entire estuary ecosystem?
That is the subject of the interdisciplinary delta team's research, in the Incomati Delta in southern Mozambique. The team identifies the flows needed to preserve the delta which is nursery for fish and a source of income for the local community.
The Incomati Estuary Festival, Mozambique
October 15-17, 2021, to highlight the role and functions of the estuary and its floodplains, well known to the locals but unknown to passing visitors, as well as to showcase the exceptional biodiversity of the site (it is the 2nd hotspot of biodiversity of birds in Mozambique after Gorongosa) and the expertise of local people.
The video is also available in Portuguese.
Focus on Madagascar
Alert ecological disaster in the Betsiboka delta due to the mangrove caterpillar
The attack was observed in 2020 and became massive in 2022 in the Betsiboka estuary. The culprit is a defoliator caterpillar Hyblaea puera (Cramer, 1777) that specifically attacks the mangrove tree Avicennia marina that constitutes the monospecific stand of mangroves downstream of the Betsiboka delta.
The DiDEM/Deltas-Madagascar team was mobilised by the Boeny region to assess the situation.
Dialogues science and civil society, an original experiment in the Boeny region, since 2021
Two science-decision-maker dialogue workshops were held at the Roches Rouges Hotel in Mahajanga, on the theme of Mangroves, on 14-15 December 2021 and 7-8 April 2022, the third workshop in Ambato-Boeny on 24-25 May 2022 was devoted to the flooding of the Betsiboka River, and the fourth will take place in mid-September 2022 in the Marovoay region on the silting up of irrigated perimeters upstream of the Betsiboka Delta.
Focus on Kenya
Poster presentation made at the 12th WIOMSA symposium, by David Ouma
October 2022
Tana River delta floodplain is maintained through a dynamic balance revolving around frequency, extent, and flooding duration. These seasonal and annual variations in flooding strongly affect the fisheries and livelihoods of the floodplain communities. In the delta, fishing is an important traditional source of livelihood, practiced alongside local agrarian livelihoods such as shifting cultivation and livestock keeping. Fishery utilization and management characteristics in the floodplain lakes of the Tana River delta are not well documented.
Livelihoods thematic scool, Tanzania, projet Wioder@Y.Lesecq
In the Western Indian Ocean, freshwater and sediment inflows and the presence of mangrove forests allow the deltas to act as a nursery for many fish species (especially shrimps, which are essential for the regional economy).
They are rapidly changing due to deforestation of upstream catchments, large-scale freshwater withdrawals for large-scale agriculture and the construction of hydroelectric dams.
The issues related to the management of deltas are complex since these are multi-actor and multi-usage zones (agriculture, fishing, livestock, agroforestry, etc.), governed locally by customary land tenure rules. Often, opposing visions of their future development collide.
They are in high demand for agro-industrial projects such as bio-fuel production, aquaculture, hydrocarbon production or mining development, while being targeted by nature conservation projects because of their abundance in biodiversity (wetlands classified as Ramsar sites, Unesco World Heritage sites, marine protected areas).
A multidisciplinary team operating in a North-South-South network developed during the WIODER project (IDRC-IRD)
4 focal points
Wanja Nyingi (Kenya), ichtyologist
Simon Mwansasu (Tanzanie), geographer
Dinis Juizo (Mozambique), hydrologist
Laurent Robison (Madagascar), hydrologist
Dominique Hervé (IRD-SENS), agronomist
Stéphanie Duvail (IRD-PALOC), geographer
Paolo Paron (IHE Delft), geomorphologist
Olivier Hamerlynck, ecologist
Raphaëlle Ducrot (CIRAD)
Remote Sensing school, Madagascar, projet Wioder@Y.Lesecq
Dar es Salaam University
Eduardo Mondlane University