3 components for the dialogue Science - Decision Makers

on the Western Indian Ocean coastal and marine environments

Component A - Tools to bring scientific knowledge to decision-makers

Reef inventory@IRD-Pascale Chabanet

Participatory formats and innovative approaches to support decision making 

In close collaboration with local partners, DiDEM teams will test these tools in the workshop zones, validate them and popularize them among all decision-makers. These tools could be deployed in other sites at a later phase of DiDEM.

Promote dialogue between science and decision-makers at the level of regional organizations (Nairobi Convention)

In coordination with the programs implemented by international institutions and in particular the UNDP (SAPPHIRE program) and the UNEP (WIO-SAP program).

Component B - Capacity building and trainings

Mangrove and remote sensing school, Betsiboka, WIODER project, 2018@Y.Lesecq

Train experts who can advise local decision-makers

Organize thematic schools and training workshops for environmental managers and young scientists in the Western Indian Ocean

Accompany managers, local and national decision-makers, civil servants, and students towards the mastery of a set of scientific knowledge and towards the acquisition of cross-cutting skills necessary to establish a constructive dialogue between political authorities and/or civil society.

This component will be deployed on the 3 workshop zones of DiDEM :

  • Islands and Archipelagos
  • Deltas
  • High Sea, Distant or Deep Seabeds

Component C - Raise awareness among civil society

Ocean Literacy with the MARECO kit, Madagascar @IRD - Lola Massé

Raise awareness among civil society and children for better knowledge appropriation and better integration of civil society in policy making

Revitalize dialogue between science and decision-makers by opening it to civil society, in particular to young people and the private sector. Under this component, two activities will be conducted and they will be based on scientific mediation programs, environmental education and support for the emergence of multi-actor initiatives involving companies or associations.