The second LittoSIM Majunga workshop took place in the large hall of the Hotel 401 Majunga from July 11 to 13.The participants were all technicians with different specialities, but working on the theme of marine or rainfall submer
En savoir plus »The second LittoSIM Majunga workshop took place in the large hall of the Hotel 401 Majunga from July 11 to 13.The participants were all technicians with different specialities, but working on the theme of marine or rainfall submer
En savoir plus »The Littosim-Didem workshop took place from 27 to 29 April 2022 at the Centre National de Recherches sur l'Environnement (CNRE) in Antananarivo. It was both a moment of meeting between researchers and a place of reflection on the
En savoir plus »En Mars 2022, si les conditions sanitaires le permettent, se tiendra le premier atelier prévu dans le cadre de la mise en place de LittoSIM à Madagascar. Cet atelier participatif sera réalisé avec les universitaires malgaches, sur
En savoir plus »In March 2022, if the health conditions allow it, the first workshop planned in the framework of the implementation of LittoSIM in Madagascar will be held. This participative workshop will be organized with Malagasy academics and
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