Moheli is now hosting the PAREO project under Component C of the DIDEM program with the close collaboration of the Moheli National Park (PNM). Three schools are involved in this first phase of the project and will work on the esta
En savoir plus »Moheli is now hosting the PAREO project under Component C of the DIDEM program with the close collaboration of the Moheli National Park (PNM). Three schools are involved in this first phase of the project and will work on the esta
En savoir plus »Objective: to familiarise civil society with its rights and duties regarding the protection and sustainable management of its natural environment.
En savoir plus »Lors de son séjour aux Comores en Aout 2021, l'équipe DiDEM - îles et archipels - Comores a posé les premiers jalons de l'observatoire de la vulnérabilité à l'érosion des côtes, à Anjouan et à Mohéli. Objectifs de l'observato
En savoir plus »During its stay in the Comoros in August 2021, the DiDEM team specializing in islands and archipelagos of Comoros, did the groundwork for the launch of the observatory on vulnerability of Anjouan and Mohéli coasts to erosion. 
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